Betzalel and Oholiav, craftsmen with a “wise heart”, are in charge of building the Sanctuary, for which the people must donate half a shekel of silver. The Sabbath becomes observed again. When Moshe takes a long time to return from the mountain, the people are concerned and ask Aharon to make a calf to be worshipped. Upon seeing the worship scene, Moshe, who was coming down from the mountain, destroyed the tablets with the inscribed laws and became very angry. However, he tells God that if He does not forgive the people, He must remove Moshe from the book in which He had inscribed him. God forgives the Children of Israel, but says this sin will have consequences for future generations.

Ki Tisa 5784
In 3 more weeks, we will have gone through Taanit Esther, the half-fast that we observe from dawn on the eve of Purim until the festival actually begins. This year, the fast is being moved up to avoid conflicting with Shabbat, so we will be fasting on Thursday, March 21st, from 5:36 am until 7:37 pm.

Ki Tisa 5783
Ki Tisa, the Torah portion we read this Shabbat contains one of the most dramatic events in all of Biblical narrative: the incident of the Golden Calf. Moses has been on Mount Sinai for a long time, far too long for one human group to who still carries Egypt engraved on their skin, in their hearts and souls, manages to sustain their faith in an invisible God without the corporeal presence of their leader. So in despair they convince Aaron to build them a golden calf.

Ki Tisa 5782
Where does the concept of Minyan come from?
Of course from the Torah. Some take the fact of the merraglim, the spies sent by Moshe to investigate how good the land they were going to conquer would be, as the origin of this mitzvah, since when they returned from the expedition, there were 10 who gave an unfavorable opinion of the Promised Land . And it was the Creator who told Moshe and Aharon "How long will I put up with this perverse congregation that complains about me?" Tradition defined from this passuk that 10 is the number necessary to form a Congregation or Minyan.