Noah, having found favor in the eyes of God, is in charge of building an ark in which he will shelter from the flood specimens of all the living species on Earth. He will embark with his family, the only humans who will repopulate the planet when the ark lands on firm ground. A pact is established between God and Noah and their descendants, who have the symbol of remembering—the rainbow. Later, nonetheless, men return to sin and, in the city of Babel, God confuses their languages—before, there was only one—and makes us scatter on the face of the Earth. From the descendants of Shem, Noach's son, Avraham is born. He marries Sarai. They do not have children.
Noach 5780
Quién es Nóaj?
Sabemos que era un hombre simple, si.
Sabemos lo de que era un hombre justo en SU generación, y que seguramente en otra no lo hubieses sido, según algunos comentaristas. Rashi asegura que para ser justo en una generación de corruptos como lo era aquella, debió ser REALMENTE justo.
Noach 5783
Probably the most well-known pasuk in our parashah this week is the first: “Noach ish tzadik hayah bedorotav.”—“Noach was a righteous man in his generation.” We are familiarized with the discussion about why it was necessary to include the phrase “in his generation”; it would have been enough to say of Noah that he was a just man.
Noach 5779
Probablemente el pasuk más conocido de nuestra parashá de esta semana sea el primero. Noaj ish tzadik haia bedorotav. Noaj fue un hombre justo en su generación. Y es bien sabida la discusión acerca de por qué era necesario incluir la frase “en su generación”. Hubiese sido suficiente decir de Noaj que era un hombre justo.
Noach 5782
Who is Noah?
We know he was a simple man, yes.
We know that he was a righteous man in HIS generation, and that surely in another one he would not have been considered as righteous, according to some commentators. This would mean that a fairly fair person, in a corrupt generation like that, would stand out as very fair. Rashi assures that to be fair in a corrupt generation like that one, it should have been REALLY fair, so as not to "catch it" from the people around.